I Don’t Want It

When my daughter hit the oh so crappily dramatic and demanding lovely stage of “Terrible Two’s” she coined the phrase “I don’t want it”. Which was her way of saying “No!”. I was (and still am I may add) very thankful for this phrase. If I had to hear “No!” screamed at me hundreds of times a day I would have lost my mind a lot sooner. And since today I have a headache and it’s making me cranky I am feeling very in tune with that phrase it is my title. I am also going to follow Hotfessional’s (I love her she’s great!)  line of blogging and blog about whatever hits the fan as I am typing. And let’s face it. Some days you just need to babble.


I love email. I hate talking to people on the phone. I have to make two phone calls today and I don’t want it. One of them is to a gal I have been trying to get in contact with since the end of July. She is a customer to my PC lady and didn’t want her hostess special. Well I did, so I bought it. Since it shipped to her, she has it. I have tried emailing her, but she doesn’t return my emails. She called me once while I was in Oklahoma in August, left me a message that she wanted to get together the next day and give me my item. Um, yeah, that’s gonna happen.  Washington<—>Oklahoma. I’ll be right there.

Another one is someone who got my number from Girl Scouts. She has some questions about letterboxing. Why Girl Scouts has me down as the letterboxing guru, I’m not really sure. Yes, I did help with the letterboxing at day camp this summer. But it’s not my specialty. I’m a geocacher. Gee-oh-cash-rrrrrr. While similar to letterboxing, still not the same thing. *sigh*

So I leave messages. Messages with my email address clearly spelled out so as they don’t miss the hint that they should email me. I like that. It’s not so much work to sound all perky and cheery.


Let’s move on people. Super Mario Brothers. Again, I don’t want it. My 6 year old loves Super Mario Brothers. I think they should burn in hell. Why you ask? If my son is not playing it on the Nintendo, he’s playing it on the computer. Yes, the computer. I know. My ever loving husband downloaded the original Mario Brothers games (along with some others) to the kids computer. So now, if someone is watching the TV, you get to hear the dun-dun-dun-dundundundun-duna-dundun-dundundun-dunduna from upstairs. Same thing if one of his siblings is on the computer, you hear mario on the TV downstairs. Woot for the office being in the loft above the living room. But that’s not all. No we are NOT done. He has the songs, all the mario songs, memorized. You get the ambiance of the underwater worlds in the car. Mario plagues me 24/7. I think I have actually grounded him from singing the songs just to keep my eyes from crossing and my ears from bleeding.


I love my cats. They are the best cats evah. One of these days I’ll get off my lazy butt quit blogging long enough to flickr some pics of them for you. I have two torticali’s. Or however that is supposed to be spelled. One is grey with medium fur that is sooooo soft you could just snuggle her forever. The other is black with long fur that carries in a piece of everywhere she has roamed outside to share with the rest of the family. I think the dog (menace to society #1) would love to just hold her down and give her a good sniff physical, but he is scared of her.

Oh the dog, God love the dog. The “I’m a black lab that thinks he only weighs the same as the cats and is the same size so hold me like a baby I want to love you” dog. I swear this dog has springs in his hind end. He can jump straight up in the air and hit my husband (who is 6’5″) in the face with his nose. I have never seen a goofier dog. I keep telling myself, only 1 more year till he calms down. We’ll see if he lives that long.


I will spare you anymore torture of my incessant rambling. One day I will actually get to the post I meant to write 3 days ago about my daughters birthday party. The birthday that is in November. Close to Thanksgiving. I should probably write about Halloween first. No way I’ll be able to top The Queen and her naked soul though. I still have the giggles from that. I need to go get some pull-ups for my sleeps-like-a-rock sons. Nothing like sleeping in a warm, snug fitting puddle of pee to make you comfy. On that note, I am going to leave you with this.


  1. bananas Said:

    I Love this! I am so on the same page with you about the phone. I DON’T WANT IT!!!! I wish all of life could be conducted by email. What’s the use of actual person-to-person interaction, I mean REALLY?!

  2. VDog Said:

    I hear ya on the phone calls. That’s why we have caller ID. Love it! Sometimes I even just email my own mother back. LOL

  3. Heather Said:

    This stomach virus that I’ve had for going on 3 days now…I DON’T WANT IT!

    But I suppose it’s a good way to jump start on those extra poundage that I need to lose.

    Yes, it will be hard to beat a Naked Sole. But I’m sure there is someone out there who has. Please. Let me not be alone?!?

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